Use Altigen™ when you want to shorten your altitude adjustment period. Altigen™ can optimize oxygen efficiency and reduce cardiac stress at any altitude, but it has not been formulated to counteract the kind of severe pulmonary and cerebral edema that occurs as very high and extreme high altitudes. As a precaution, consult with your medical doctor about keeping Dexamethasone and Acetazolomide in your first aid kit to prevent HAPE when traveling or climbing to altitudes above 8,000 feet for extended periods of time. If in doubt, follow the golden rule of healthy ascent… descend, descend, descend.
Preemptive Action
If you know you will be traveling to an area of high altitude, it is best to begin taking Altigen™ a day ahead of your arrival, and throughout your stay. Altigen™ may even make your flight more comfortable!
Already Feeling Bad
If you are already at high altitude and are currently experiencing mild symptoms, such as light-headedness, take Altigen™ as soon as you are able, and continue to take it for the duration of your trip.
Some people find it beneficial to consume extra fluids, rest, or even descend to a lower elevation until symptoms subside.
Older Adults
Traveling to high altitudes can be especially difficult for older adults, causing exhaustion, headaches, trouble breathing, and low blood oxygen levels. Altigen™ may improve overall oxygen use, increasing energy and stamina. If you are taking prescription medication, consult with your medical doctor before taking Altigen™.
Altitude Crisis
Think you’re past the point of no return? Altigen™ can still relieve your symptoms, but you may need to descend, rest for a bit, and increase your water intake. Seek medical attention if you are experiencing symptoms of HAPE or HACE; Altigen™ is not formulated to counteract HAPE or HACE.